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Network Cabling

Network cabling is the means by which information travels from one wired, networking device to another. There are many factors to consider when choosing the correct cabling for your network. Despite increasing popularity for Bluetooth and wireless technology, there is still much to be said for the dependability and security of hardwired networks. Linklight Communications specializes in the design, installation and repair of Optical Fiber, Cat 6, Cat 5e and Coaxial LAN cables.

Optical Fiber

Fiber optic cabling is unique from all other forms of network cabling.

This type of cable is comprised of very thin strands of glass fibers (little more than the size of a human hair) and are capable of high-performance data transmission at roughly two-thirds the speed of light from sources such as lasers or LEDs.


Does your network space look like this?

Over years of moves, adds and changes many telecom spaces end up looking like this. 


As companies grow and adapt to new technologies, their equipment rooms can quickly become unsightly and unmanageable;

not to mention the added cost and waste of resources it takes to do the simplest of tasks, like relocate or add a user.


If you're in IT, you probably know this scenario all too well.


So, whether you've inherited the problem or cable management was not part of the original design, it's not too late. 


We can get you organized and administratively managing these tasks again with ease.

We can help!

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Has your service provider told you that they don't do inside wiring and that you need an internal wiring vendor?

Do you have new service coming in from your ISP and need a new demarc extension?

Do you have poor, flakey workstation connections in your office space?


We specialize in everything from new office build-outs to that single workstation for your new hire.


Contact us to schedule your free estimate today!

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